Donate To FLOC Through Rite Aid’s KidCents Program

KidCents from Rite Aid has chosen us as their charity of choice this year!

This program allows Rite Aid customers to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar and donate their change to a fund that supports kid-focused charities, like FLOC.

With the KidCents program, we have the opportunity to increase our funding and make an even bigger difference in the lives of the children in our community!

How does it work?

We’re encouraging everyone to help FLOC by enrolling in Rite Aid’s FREE wellness+ rewards program and choosing to direct your KidCents contributions to For Love of Children. You can visit any Rite Aid location and speak to a customer representative to choose us for your contributions or visit to sign up online from home. To learn more about the wellness+ rewards program and how it helps you while also helping your community, click here.

The program began earning this month and will extend until the end of the year (December 31, 2019).

Through the KidCents program, FLOC has already received a $5,000 grant to use for our programs this year! We can bump this number up and help more kids in the local Dayton area if shoppers like you choose to donate to FLOC through your Rite Aid’s KidCents contributions.