A Successful Christmas & Happy New Year!

This past Christmas, FLOC served thousands of children through two inner city schools, and children being represented through Montgomery County Children’s Services. We have, at this point, taken care of well over 30,000 children over these past ten years. Our volunteers simply embody the spirit of the North Pole. When our families walked up to the second floor of The Talbott Tower- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to the Talbott Tower for your fabulous help… when your families came to the FLOC Toy Cottage door, Christmas music greeted them, as did a volunteer- I can see her now- with such a warm and wide smile, opening a bag for collection of the best toys in the land.

Walking in the front hearth of the Cottage, bright twinkly lights showcased shelves and shelves of brand new, name brand phenomenal games, basketballs, drones, electronics, bikes, stockings (completely filled), coats, hats, make up, perfume… That’s to name a small percentage of what was in our Toy Cottage. And in every room, there were at least two helpers that would give our family members choices and options based on their children and their interests. Everyone, EVERYONE had a smile that spoke volumes about the magic in the moment.

I was lucky enough to hide behind the scenes and take in the wonder. The look of plain gratitude, the knowledge that Christmas was going to be celebrated, the genuine wash of relief, replaced by a sense of pure joy. It doesn’t get better than that.

Sue Spiegel, you have lit the star on so many Christmas trees this year. You have created an inner glow, an understanding of what appreciation must feel like- for so many children.

Thank you so much to all our phenomenal volunteers for your hard work, for your endearing and enduring support, and for the love you share in all our FLOC children.

Happy New Year 2019 with hugs from me!