The Book Nook

What is The Book Nook?

We have thousands of books to offer the young people we serve. Many schools have done book drives for us, and we share those with the children coming in our offices. For many, it is the first book they have ever owned.

Learning to read is something that every child should be able to do and practice, but there are sometimes cases where a child’s only opportunity to learn is limited to during school hours. Parents can be busy, and sometimes the money simply isn’t in the budget to be able to afford books for their child. This was something we saw very much as a two-birds-one-stone deal.

Through The Book Nook program we’ve had area schools put together book drives that ultimately ended up in a grand total of over 13,000 donated books. We distribute these books locations in the Dayton area where you can typically find children waiting for their parents to complete things like applications, or other tasks where the children are not involved.

What We Do at The Book Nook

This program has been in place for the past five years. We have had area schools put together book drives, and have received over 13,000 books in donation, which we use to distribute to children learning how to read. Volunteers for this program are given specific reading locations in the Dayton area, where children are waiting for parents to complete applications, or tasks that do not include their children. For many of our children, this is the first book they have ever owned. We also supply books on a consistent basis for the Montgomery County Children’s Services and various agencies who are targeted by a younger audience who can benefit by receiving reading material.

Do You Have Any Extra Books?

When you give a donation to FLOC, For Love of Children you are giving to the future of the Dayton community.

When you donate to FLOC you are providing children with a duffle bag that will stay with them on their individual journey. You let the youngest generation of Daytonians know that we care about them and that they are not alone through one of the roughest periods of their life.