Tools For School
What is Tools For School?
FLOC is constantly fundraising in order to cover the many needs presented by our children. One of our greatest responsibilities is in filling the basic academic needs presented by the thousands of children we serve throughout the year.
We challenge area office supply agencies to get involved with our organization in donating school supplies so in demand for our kids. Over the past five years, we have presented completed supply lists for over 1000+ students. This is at no charge to them; we simply request a letter of reference for the student by an adult who can speak to something we can honor in that student’s character- we look very strongly at community service- and a letter of intent as written by the student.
We do not give handouts, we want to empower each student with the knowledge that their good works are appreciated and valued.
Why Tools For School Is So Important
We all remember coming to class and not having a pencil. For many children it’s not forgetting class supplies that put them into that situation but not having access to them.
We believe that children deserve every opportunity to succeed in class and in the world. When they don’t have the same supplies as the rest of they’re class it can be difficult to keep up. That’s where we come in.
When a student shows a drive to succeed we take away a roadblock in their path. By helping these children get the things they need to be successful they perform better in class and they have more drive to make a better future for themselves and others in Dayton.
What Your Donation Does
When you donate to For Love of Children, you allow a team of volunteers to review applications and find deserving children in the Dayton area looking for your help.
Your donation helps to fund school supplies for these children and allows them to succeed at school.