Grant a Wish
What is FLOC Grant a Wish?
Every child’s got a dream. A wish. Something they want to do oh so badly, but in many cases simply can’t. This story is one that’s heard even more often from those children that face real struggles on a day-to-day basis. From the child that helped tend to her cancer-ridden foster mother, to the one that comes home to an alcoholic parent; these children have little chance of seeing these dreams blossom to life any time soon. This is why we’ve created Grant a Wish.
Grant a Wish is a program that we run on a monthly basis. Every month children in our area write us a heartfelt letter of request that’s coupled with a letter of recommendation from an adult in their community, and one from someone in the educational sphere. These wishes range from a weekend at a camp to ride horses for the first time, to a video camera for an aspiring director that otherwise wouldn’t be able to explore his passion.
How Grant a Wish Started
One of our most satisfying, fulfilling programs created by the generosity that is our Dayton community is now titled our Grant A Wish Program. Every month, children in our area write us a very heartfelt letter of request.
We have been approached for a wide and wild range of donation, anywhere from a long distance school trip to a collection of incubators for an area school. Letters of intent are coupled with letters of recommendation for each child, one coming from an adult in their community, one from someone in the educational sphere. Many times, we have several requests and have to choose one honoree based on who might benefit most. Every month, a child’s request is fulfilled.
It is an amazingly gratifying position to be in; kind of like being Tinker Bell, waving her magic wand, and we thank you, dear Dayton, for giving us that ability. I’ll tell you one story that will give you a clearer picture of just what you are allowing us to do.
Grant a Wish Nomination
Nominate a child in your life for our Grant a Wish Program
Grant a Wish for a Child in Dayton
Are you in a position to offer an experience that a child may be interested in?
We’re always looking to expand upon the resources we’ve got to make a child’s life even just a little bit better.
Please get in touch if you’re able to help!
So, it is with gratitude and humility that we can take the monetary donations offered us by a heart filled community, and directly turn them into impossible dreams come true for youth who are endlessly surprised by an unexpected gift. For so many of our children, this is a rarity that offers them insight- that there is kindness in a darker world; child by child, you’re making their days just a bit brighter. I’m hoping that together, one day, we can get that light bright enough to where we clear out the sunglass section of every major department store and outlet. Until we get there, every step we take forward is making a huge difference that is the rocky path for the children we serve. Thank you for all that you do, dear Dayton.