Over 150,000 Families Fed Through FLOC and Counting

FLOC, For Love of children has been feeding Dayton, Ohio families from the beginning. Through actions taken to help school children access food through the weekends, to keeping families going through a global pandemic. Access to food is essential and something that children and their families should never go without. 

It’s been our mission to not only feed young minds but young bellies and we are so happy to say that we’ve been able to bring food to over 150,000 families. Thanks to the efforts of our dedicated team and the love and support of volunteers we have reached a huge milestone. So how have we been able to accomplish this and what can you do to help us keep our community fed?

Feeding Dayton Families Through a Pandemic

When the pandemic first hit many daytonians lost their jobs. This led to many people being unable to access nutritious foods for their families. Covid made using food banks risky and with so many people unable to access unemployment right away a food crisis developed in Dayton, Ohio. Our dedicated volunteers started collecting food and essential items right away but there was still a need in the community. In the months that followed FLOC, along with many other non-profits came together with the help of the Dayton mall to form something new. 

The Dayton Mall Non-Profit Co-Op began with the idea of collecting and storing food and essential items that charities across the city could access and disperse to the families they help. Although a temporary solution at first, this co-op has become a permanent fixture at the Dayton Mall. Volunteer efforts to stock this new location brought in a lot of necessary goods but recently Karen Kelly Brown, of the Dayton Mall Non-Profit Co-Op, has started to wonder if they may run out of supplies without more help from the community. “I never thought I’d say this, but we are actually starting to run low on items!”, Karen said in a recent update on the project. 

However, this new charitable venture has begun to find its place in the community, “Thanks to Beth and also some great other folks in the community, we have volunteers helping to sort and “stock” the items.  The new area is set up like a store. I’m in the process of trying to find a sponsor for the Co-Op to pay for some of the overhead costs – because this is definitely a forever thing, and not just “helping out now”.

If you would like to donate items for the Dayton Mall Non-Profit Co-Op find the list here.

How is FLOC Able to Feed So Many Families?

FLOC has many connections through school districts and recently through the Dayton Mall Non-Profit Co-Op. These connections help us to reach those who need our services the most and with a team of caring volunteers we can make miracles happen. 

“I have been contacted by families with parents in and out of the hospital, children with empty refrigerators. Volunteers are gathering very specific items needed, as directed by the adults from these families, and have been thrilled to personally hand these carefully selected items to each family. Such an inspirational moment- knowing families are being sustained through the week, based on the care and concern of our volunteers, and on the compassion that is Karen Kelly Brown, and the powers that be at the Dayton Mall. During such difficult times, hearts are full of the desire to help in any and all ways.”, Beth Mann, our founder and president, said on our recent milestone. 

What You Can Do to Help FLOC Feed Even More Families

There are many ways you can help FLOC in their mission to feed families in Dayton, Ohio. Becoming one of our donors is a great way to help our mission. Whether you would prefer to be a one time donor or one of our sustaining donors that help us on a monthly basis, your donation will go to help feed families, educate children, make a holiday brighter for a family in needs, and so much more.