Given the current health crisis, schools all across the country have had to close their doors, and convert in-house academia to online classes. There are many students who need help in answering questions or additional help with course materials with little access to resource. We’re here to help!
FLOC is proud to partner with the wonderful members of the Dayton Hindu Temple in order to set up new programming which addresses this need. We would like to provide those students struggling with a tutor who is well versed in whatever area of academia is needed. If you’re looking for help, if your child is in need of support, please let us know. Send your information to Beth Mann at beth7mann@gmail.com and she will send this on to tutors all across the country who would like to be of aid and assistance. Please include: Child’s name, age, grade, school, area of study that needs attention, time of day that would be best for connection, and how you might like to connect- Skype? Facetime? Zoom? What works best for you?
In this time of world crisis, there is the fact that there are so many who want to help their neighbor, their friends, their community in any way possible. That gives us great sustenance and hope at a time most needed.