Thanks To The Mall At Fairfield Commons & Their Shoppers!

Stuff A Bus Success

The Mall at Fairfield Commons held a fundraiser for us a few weeks ago.

They “Stuffed a Bus” with so many school supplies that our Tools for School Program is filled with all kinds of good things!

The children we work with through FLOC come home with lists of academic needs that simply stagger our families. Many of our kids can’t afford a glue stick, let alone notebooks, calculators, colored pens and highlighters – the list goes on and on. Food is an issue, every day presents new needs, and academic supplies are so difficult to purchase. No child wants to go into class ill supplied – it’s hard enough to start a new year without the stigma of disadvantage.

Because of the kindness and the generosity of the folks at the Mall at Fairfield Commons and all the wonderful shoppers who participated, we were able do the following:

  • We presented 40+ stuffed to the brim book bags to an area inner city school. Many of the children attending cannot do their homework at night because their families cannot afford to pay their electric bills. Imagine what these school supplies mean to these dear people!
  • We have taken care of over 130 children in our community, and are still serving on a daily basis, filling up our book bags with your generosity.

A HUGE thank you to the Mall at Fairfield Commons and your shoppers. You have given so many children great hope that they are cared for, and a great start to their academic year.